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The Many Uses of Coconuts

Coconuts have become increasingly popular over the years, due to many benefits they provide, not to mention how much flavour they can bring to a recipe. Did you know coconuts often get confused as nuts but they are actually a fruit? Let's run through some interesting health benefits of coconuts.

Coconut Oil

Coconut oil is a great alternative to other cooking oils because it is mostly composed of natural saturated fats. Even though coconut is made up of almost 90% saturated fat, they are not the same saturated fats that you will find in cheese or steak. This is because unhealthy foods contain long chain fatty acids which use enzymes and bile to digest, during this process small particles of fat are released into your bloodstream. Coconut oil only contains medium chain fatty acids which don't require enzymes and bile to digest, which helps for an easy digestion and can be sent to your liver to be used as energy. Basically, depending on the length of the fatty acid depends on how and the rate it is digested.

Unfortunately, you may think vegetable oil is better for you because of the word "veg" but it's actually processed under high heats, industrial solvents and has long chain fatty acids.

Many people love using coconut oil on their skin because of its moisturising properties. You can use it as a body moisturiser which tends to be the most popular due to its amazing smell. You can use it on your face but a little will go a long way or you can use it as a makeup remover as the oil will get rid of tough makeup such as waterproof mascara. As the oil is such a good moisturiser, many people will use it as part of their hair regime to help combat split ends, dryness and dandruff.

Another fairly recent application is oil pulling, this is where you use coconut oil as a mouthwash which kills bacteria in your mouth. This is a great way to reduce bad breath using a natural ingredient.

Because coconut oil can help fight off bacteria, it is a great way to give your immune system that well needed boost. Antimicrobial lipids, Lauric acid, Capric acid and caprylic acid are all within coconut oil which has antibacterial properties.

Pressing Coconut Oil at Home

If you are feeling adventurous you can always make your own oils in the comfort of your own home with the  Counter Intelligence Oilpresso. This oil press will enable you to create natural cold pressed oils with low temperatures, which preserves the nutrition and fats a lot better than commercial oils.

Coconut Water

The coconut water is produced in the centre of the fruit and this water helps nourish the coconut meat. Coconut water shouldn't be confused with coconut milk as this is made with hot water and shredded coconut meat which contains a high amount of fat. However, coconut water is low in calories and has a great source of minerals, vitamin C, antioxidants and fibre.

It's also a great drink to restore hydration and replenish electrolytes which are usually lost when we exercise. Electrolytes are minerals which include, sodium, potassium, calcium and magnesium. These are all electrolytes that help the body maintain a good fluid balance, all of which are in coconut water. It's also not bad for a quick hangover fix!

Digestion can be a problem for many of us but coconut water may provide some relief to indigestion and acid reflux due to the high concentration of fibre.

Coconut Flour

Coconut flour is a great healthy way to add a delicious flavour to your baked goods. Not only is it tasty but it's packed with fibre and is great for anyone who has diabetes or a gluten intolerant. The coconut flour lowers the glycemic index (the rate that food increases your blood sugar) in your baked goods. Coconut flour is just dried coconut meat grounded into a flour, which means it's great for anyone with a nut allergy.

As you can see there are plenty of benefits to incorporating coconut into your diet, but be careful because not all coconut oil/ water are 100% natural. Make sure to look out for organic virgin coconut oil/ water and not the refined versions. If you generally don't like the taste of coconut then I would experiment with different types, as not all coconut products have a strong taste. We love using coconut throughout our recipes, especially in our smoothies, it's best just to experiment with coconut and see what works for you.